A Pioneering Spirit

I wish I had known in my twenties and thirties what I know now! It is such an exciting time of your life with so many possibilities stretching out before you – and if you know the Lord and seek His leading as you step out, you can be sure of His pleasure and His protection. He has given each one of us special and individual gifts (talents – remember the parable!) – and we need to ask Him for a pioneering spirit so we can ‘be strong and do exploits’ (Daniel 11:32). You have probably all heard the famous quote that ‘the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing’. Women too of course!

Sir Nicholas Winton died last year at the age of 106. At the age of 29 as a young stockbroker in the City of London, he received a ‘phone call as he was packing to go on a skiing holiday. His friend was calling from Prague to say that he felt he should join him there instead. It was 1938 and the Nazis were beginning to round up Jewish families. Nicholas quickly realised that parents could no longer get visas to leave Czechoslovakia but he decided to do whatever he could to get the children out before war was declared. Through sheer determination, hard work and considerable nerve, he managed the mammoth task of arranging trains to take the children to London and persuading the British Government to find them all homes. The parents did not survive, but he saved the lives of 669 children, many of whom are still alive today and their families number more than 5,000 around the world.

It is a truly amazing story and I encourage you to watch the film ‘Nicky’s Family’ on Youtube – you will be inspired. Nicholas certainly had a pioneering spirit and I am excited to see that Mike and Mel have one too as they step out into their calling and begin their new blog. Who knows where it will lead?!


1 Comment

  1. Rali
    May 29, 2017 / 10:07 pm

    This is beautiful!!!

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