Gods Wonderful Grace (Empowerment)

God’s Grace is truly wonderful – I don’t know about you but sometimes I feel so unworthy of the love and faithfulness that God offers each and every one of us. Isn’t it amazing when God highlights internal conflicts that you have either been suppressing or ignoring for months or even years!! Such is His love for you that He always wants you to strive for excellence for the greatness to which all His children are called.

Lately, I have been struggling with some internal conflicts which I have never dealt with – conflicts that I repressed even after giving my life to Christ thinking that I could just continue with life as before in some respects. Isn’t it shocking how conflicts, if not dealt with, can creep back into your life years later and threaten to consume you like a whirlwind laying waste to all that stand before it.

Issues of unforgiveness and bitterness can hinder one’s walk with the Lord causing hearts to harden and grow distant. In my case I truly believed I had forgiven and moved on until an incident occurred and Gods revelation became so clear to me. Yes, I had moved on but I still harboured bitterness towards that person and refused to let it go.

When God brings something to light it means it’s time to deal with it. He will give you the Grace (empowerment) to finish the work He has begun in you. For me, I can’t say its been a quick fix but hand in hand God is walking with me and I can honestly say it’s becoming much easier everyday. He is such a good good Father and He loves you.

Becoming a new creation means leaving behind all the old mindsets and attitudes we wore before accepting Christ and putting on His very nature, His attitudes, His mindset and His behaviour. The becoming part may be a long journey but with Jesus by your side you can do anything. I would love to encourage you with Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. Whatever your situation be teachable, know that He is with you and His love for you will never fail. Trust in Him and He will make your paths straight.

Stay blessed x


  1. Nathanielle
    July 18, 2017 / 1:10 am

    very inspiring! I love this post and congrats on your new path!

    • M&M
      July 18, 2017 / 12:30 am

      Hey hun, thank you so much and thanks for the encouragement. X

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