Hope In A Time Of Uncertainty

So the last couple of months have been filled with uncertainty and panic across the world due to CoronaVirus or, to use the technical term, COVID-19. The media, both social and mainstream, hasn’t made life any easier with all the misinformation that’s been going around. Throw the buzzword ‘Pandemic’ into the mix and it seems that people are reacting in the best way they know how pure panic. The virus has quite literally affected almost every part of our daily lives, from the collapse in the stock markets to shoppers buying in obscene bulk. 

There is no doubt our current climate is covered in doubt and the fear of the unknown but as Christian’s we are called to live by faith and not by sight. Though everything looks like it’s falling apart and we’ve lost control of our way of life we are not to let this cloud the truth which still holds true and shines like a light in the darkness. The bible says anything done without faith does not please God Hebrews 11:6. We aren’t promised a perfect world but instead are actually promised difficulty and trials; it’s not what trials come our way but the way we respond that defines who we are and clearly shows who truly reigns in our hearts.

Jesus said in the world you will have tribulation but take courage for I have overcome the world (John 16:33). Trouble will come but just as He overcame the grave for us so we are ourselves are over-comers through our inheritance in Christ.

God made the world perfect but because of the plague of sin the balance of creation was disrupted and the order which once was perfect, has become imperfect; and ever since then humanity has been plagued with war, death, pestilence and every kind of evil under the sun. This pandemic though scary and frustrating shouldn’t turn our lives upside down. We must remember that God is sovereign and His providence is always at work. He is still and always will be on the Throne, He will never leave us nor forsake us.

We must not make room for fear in our hearts as fear only breeds disorder and chaos. As Christians, it is Jesus who sits on the throne of our hearts so we must let Him reign and turn to the word (bible) for answers, not to the world. 

Psalm 46:1 says

“God is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble”. 

No matter how difficult times get, God will always be there to help us endure and protect us from trouble. We aren’t promised an easy life but we are promised strength, which comes from the Holy Spirit, to get us through life’s adversities. 

This is a lesson I have had to relearn during this time of uncertainty. I found myself very much thinking like the rest of the world. I was led by panic and fear. I allowed fear to have a place where it didn’t belong, in my heart. I felt the Holy Spirit reminding me of the one I serve and his promises and power and remembering that it is God’s providence and sovereignty that sustains and guides the world and that nothing is a surprise to Him because he is omniscient. He has already provided a way out for His people. 

As believers we must pray and read what His word says. Let us focus on what is true, noble, whatever is right, pure, whatever is lovely and admirable (Philippians 4:8)

Our advantage and blessing in the world is the certainty that God has everything under control and, for me, remembering that, brings me great inner peace and joy. 

So let’s stand as one sisters and brothers and let’s earnestly pray for those affected by this virus and pray that God will make a way where there is none. Let’s take this time to be abundantly generous, full of mercy and let the light of Christ shine through us into others. 

Stay safe and blessed.

Mel xx

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