Long Weekend Shenanigans – African Market

Wow – what a fantastic end to the long weekend!! Great food, friends and a market full of colour and creativity.

Such culture, such history at the African Market in Old Spitalfield’s!! Checking out some fantastic jewellery pieces:

And some wonderful pieces of traditional artwork:

Wouldn’t be African without some chin chin!!

And who could forget these amazing hand crafted children’s dolls…beautiful colours and traditional African prints.

Looking around at the market reminds us of how God has put a bit of His creativity into each of us. He is the Master creator and architect who’s made things that are literally out of this world. Take, for example, the design and prints on a leaf – you can see the hand print of God down to the minute details of the veins! As you go into this week, we would like to challenge you to take a look at the creation around you and ponder.

Romans 1:20: ‘For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities–his eternal power and divine nature–have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.’

Stay blessed.

M&M x

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