The Fruit of the Spirit: Joy

The bible is filled with so many verses about joy, this is a fruit that uplifts our countenance no matter the circumstance and creates an inner peace like no other. As believers, we are to delight in it as it is a blessing that will last a lifetime.

In today’s society, we are always looking for things that will fulfill us and make us happy. If you were to ask most people what they want most out of life, most would probably say something related to happiness. We have become so obsessed with the pursuit of happiness that it can even become a selfish ambition at times. Nowadays we hear the saying “do what makes you happy” but does that mean at any cost, even if it will hurt another person or have damaging consequences in the long run? What I’ve learned in life is that happiness does not last, it can be for a season or for a fleeting moment, but in the end, it is all circumstantial. It’s based on the emotion of the here and now.

Joy, on the other hand, comes from a deeper place of contentment and knowledge. Joy is not based on favourable results in life or the circumstances that life throws at you, it is, however present through trials and tribulations. Joy essentially is a gift that God places in our heart that will get us through the hardest of trials.

As Christians our joy comes from knowing that we are saved by grace through faith and that when our time on earth is done we will be in the presence of eternal God forever.

1 Peter 1:8-9 says

Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.

As Christians, we believe in who Jesus Christ says He is and what He did for us. The joy we have in our hearts is from knowing that one day by faith we will be with Christ. Even though we don’t see Him and can’t physically feel Him we know, in our hearts, that He is God and He reigns on high, that through Him we have eternal life. Knowing what Jesus did for us fills us with so much joy because we know one day we will get to see Him face to face.

I have had to learn that no matter what situation I am in, standing in this truth not only refreshes me but fills me with so much hope and joy. It reminds me that no matter what happens in this world there is something greater waiting for us on the other side, which is far more than any man/woman can comprehend. If my experiences have taught me anything it’s to rejoice not only when times are good but also when times are bad because God is always working everything out for our good.

Philippians 4:4 says

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!

We are called to rejoice in who God is and what He has done; when you truly stop to think on these things you can’t help but be grateful and full of immense joy. Yes, I understand that, at times, life can be incredibly unbearable, but in those moments we must turn to the Word of God and remember His promises, be prayerful and rejoice.

As Christians, the joy we experience is also from knowing that we are right with God because of Jesus, we are made righteous because of His imputed righteousness. There is nothing we could ever say or do that would get us into heaven, the works we do would never be enough as the bible says our works are as filthy rags to the Lord (Isaiah 64:6). It is only through Jesus that we can inherit eternal life and how can we ever understand the magnitude of that gift? thank God for the precious Holy Spirit who helps us to understand this great mystery.

The Holy Spirit who is our entrusted deposit and blessed assurance (2 Corinthians 1:22) gives us access to the precious gift of joy and the more we allow Him to lead us and walk with Him the more this quality will be apparent in our lives and shine through to the rest of the world.

Mel xx

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