The bible repeatedly speaks about the importance of our WORDS and how powerful they can be; they can be weaponized but at the same time can be a blessing. What comes out of ones mouth can normally be an indication of the spiritual condition of a person. Lets face it none of us are perfect and at times we will spew out unkind or inappropriate words but it’s important to evaluate what is truly going on within our hearts “for the mouth speaks what the heart is full of” (Luke 6:45)

Now, there is no point in beating ourselves up because we aren’t perfect, we all know the Christian walk is a journey and we are learning one step at a time. The bible is quite clear that the human tongue is a difficult thing to tame, for example in James 3:8 it explains that since the fall, no human has been able to tame the tongue. And though we shouldn’t beat our selves up we also shouldn’t take this matter lightly as God is very serious about it. We are commanded to let no corrupt talk come out of our mouths, but only that which is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear (Ephesians 4:29) Foul language or crude speech should not be a part of a Christians nature or character. Even when being corrective we are to be gentle, uplifting and do it from a position of love. Proverbs 15:4 says, “A gentle tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit. 1 Peter 3:10 says, “Whoever desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit”; and lastly, “Proverbs 34:13 says “keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit”. These are just a few of several passages where God outlines how powerful and destructive the tongue can be if not used correctly and how we are to use it.

If it cannot be tamed then is there truly hope? The answer to this question is most certainly, YES, there is! God has graciously outlined this through His word. The battle is in the mind (see Romans 12:2), which leads us to the question, what is the mind? Essentially the mind encompasses our will, heart, desires etc. So when we allow garbage to thrive in our minds we allow it to shape and mould our actions and speech. Our minds MUST be filled with the WORD of God which has transforming power to change the human heart. The more we are full of the WORD the less we are filled with the WORLD.

And let’s not forget we have a Helper, the precious Holy Spirit and we have complete access to Him. If this is a battle we are truly serious about winning then we need to be in the Word of God daily, praying daily and asking the Holy Spirit for help daily.

For many of us this may be a battle we face for much of our lives but we have HOPE and His name is Jesus and through Him we have victory. We are to look to Him as our example and turn to Him for strength.

Let us engross ourselves in scripture daily, allowing us to be fed and led by His Word. As this happens we will, in time, see the fruit of our Labor come to fruition and that fruit will result in kind, gentle, controlled and courteous speech etc.  Let’s be encouraged today sisters to be intentional in what we say and what we let flow into our hearts. It may be a battle but don’t fret God has called us OVERCOMERS and by His GRACE and POWER we will see great VICTORY.

Stay blessed and know that you are so loved. 

Mel xx

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