Eternity Is Knocking, Will You Answer?

What a time we live in!? For many of us uncertainty seems to lurk at every corner, whether it’s in our finances or the health of our family. It is in times like these that we start to ask questions like ‘what does this all mean?’ and ‘what does happen if I die?’ I want to tell you, loved ones, that Satan’s greatest lie is that you have plenty of time to get right with God but the truth of the matter is you never know when your time is up. Now is the time for salvation!

The bible clearly illustrates this message in (2 Corinthians 6:2). God is calling you to hear his voice and to say yes to his effectual call. The only thing that will separate us from heaven is how we respond to Jesus and His call for salvation. 

Our God is absolutely amazing and His mercies are new each day – Lamentations 3:22-23 says this:

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23 (ESV version)

Every new day demonstrates God’s mercy to mankind. He does not take pleasure in the destruction of people (Ezekiel 18:23) He desires to see everyone saved, He loves every single one of you and His heart for salvation is so big He sent His Son to die for the world (John 3:16). He has opened the door to salvation for those of us who want it. To answer His call, we just need to respond because our eternity lies in how we respond to Christ. 

The book of Matthew talks about 2 paths in the world (Matt 7:13) the way of life and the way of death, one leads to eternal life and one leads to eternal damnation it is up to us to decide which path we will take – which one will you choose?

Jesus is the answer to the Way of Life and because of His death on the cross, He made us right with God by imputing his righteousness on us through His sacrifice on the Cross. He paid the ultimate price and rose from the dead on the third day. In that instant He defeated death so that we would have eternal life if we believe in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead and confess with our mouths that He is Lord (Romans 10:9)

God’s unfailing and unconditional love is demonstrated in His gift to humanity, The Son of God. This is the ultimate gift that would change and shake the very foundations of the world. The gift that would bring peace, joy, and life to many and also be a stumbling block for so many others.

God’s love is immeasurable, unconditional and forever. His love for us and for YOU is greater than the universe can contain.

Romans 8:38-39 states;

For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

romans 8:38-39 (ESV version)

God’s love for us isn’t superficial or shallow, He loves us intimately. He knows us intimately and when we come to Christ our relationship is personal like that of a sister, a brother, or a friend; He is the perfect companion and will love you totally and completely.

Psalm 139 speaks about how intimately God knows us, he knit us in our mother’s womb, he knows when we go to sleep and when we wake. He is always there with arms ready to embrace those who will accept Him.

The life we are given is a blessing from Almighty God, we are to live it in thanksgiving unto Him but He gives us a choice. Will we live for Him or live for ourselves? If we live for ourselves are we prepared to face the eternal consequences? The bible tells us to enter through the narrow gate, that gate is Jesus and your eternal destination depends on it. What will you choose today? He is at the door of your heart knocking, will you answer the call?


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