God Never Fails

Whether we like it or not, life is full of unexpected circumstances; as Christians one thing we should always take to heart is no matter what happens in life good or bad we will have Jesus to guide us through it. The wonderful thing about being in Christ is that He is in every situation and will lead us through it, He has already overcome. How amazing is that!?

In the bible Jesus says ‘in the world we will have tribulation but take courage for I have overcome the world’. This verse tells us that being in Christ doesn’t mean your life will be perfect as a matter of fact we promised pain and suffering not from Jesus but because we live in a fallen world but through all of that we have a promise that because Jesus overcame this world we can overcome any obstacle through Him.

God is not the author of pain or suffering, God is the author of Love. Just as He is good and faithful there is another principle in the world that is evil. Many times bad things happen and we are confused as to why they are happening and to be honest I have no idea as the bible doesn’t give us a reason why bad things happen to Christians but it does tell us that through it all God will be with us through the journey and He has already prepared a solution for us. Romans 5:3 – 4 says that “we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance,  and endurance produces character, and character produces hope. This verse teaches us that in suffering we are made stronger though the situation seems dyer through the journey you will come out of it stronger than when you started.

Life can be very tough and some people are going through things that are unbelievably difficult and unthinkable but we would love to encourage you to stay strong, stay the path and keep calling on Jesus for He will never leave you nor forsake you. When situations seem to not make sense remember God knows what is going on, He is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. Remember and rest in the providence of God.

Wherever you are whatever you are doing be encourage dear and amazing friends, know that you are very much loved and that there is a hope and His name is Jesus. He wants to give you a hope and a future, life and not death.

If there is anything any of you want us to pray for please comment below or e-mail us at thelisters85@gmail.com. Sending you all so much love and God bless beautiful people.

Melly & Mike xxxx

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