Healthy Mind Healthy Life

Let’s face it, there are many things in life that seek to steal and destroy the God-given joy we have. Throughout my life, I’ve learned that conditioning my mind is absolutely crucial for a healthy mental state and lifestyle but this isn’t something that comes easily for me. For many years my mind was a constant battlefield of negativity and toxic thoughts and, to be honest, it’s still a non-stop battle. But with the help of scripture and the Holy Spirit within me I have definitely improved and I know I’m only getting better. So here are my top 3 tips on how I maintain a healthy mind.

  1. Thanksgiving

One important thing I’ve learned over the years, and one that I’m still putting into practice, is thanking God for who He is and what He has done in my life. Thanksgiving is such a vital element in the life of a Christian that the bible has an entire book dedicated to giving thanks to God. The book of Psalms is packed with thanksgiving, with praises to God for who He is and what He has done…to put it simply it’s a great book to add to your morning devotion.

Psalm 136 is an example of an entire Psalm dedicated to giving thanks; in this Psalm King David is giving thanks to God because He is good and His love endures forever. This Psalm is so powerful as it details incidents throughout Israel’s history where God’s love was poured out on them over and over again. We, like David, need to look back and remember what God has done and is doing in our lives as He is always working for our good. Through this we should give Him thanks. Even when circumstances seem dire and you cannot think of anything good, look to the cross as the ultimate sacrifice for us in the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ.

2. Intentional Thinking

The second thing that has aided me in renewing my mind is intentional thinking. The bible says the enemy seeks to kill, steal and destroy and one of the first places he starts is in the mind. Have you noticed when you have a bad day and you stop to think of the source you can track it back to when you wake up? I often find when I wake up if I start entertaining negative thoughts it sets the tone for my day. The bible says in Philippians 4:8

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

John MacArthur explains this so beautifully; believers are meant to meditate on whatever is worthy of awe and adoration and to think in harmony with God’s divine standard of holiness. We are meant to focus on whatever is kind or gracious. Having your mind focused on these things can change the trajectory of your day and even your life. This is crucial for a healthy mind.

3. The Word

The third lesson and final lesson that is probably one of the most important is reading the Word and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead. Getting into the Word on a daily basis and setting up the foundation of truth built on God’s word is critical for a healthy Christian mind. I find when I go extended amounts of time not reading the Word, my mood changes, I’m massively irritable and extremely unpleasant to be around. When I stop to ponder what is wrong with me I can almost always trace it back to laziness in reading the Word or lack of reading. The bible says the Word of God is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path Psalm 119:105. It’s so important to get into God’s word daily so it can lead us in the direction we must go, in the way we must live and in our interactions with people around us. Now I understand life happens and people get busy and sometimes we can miss a day or two and that is absolutely fine however, we must make it a priority in our lives. We must create a habit of reading the Word as it is life-changing and it is absolutely crucial to our Christian walk.

Well, guys, those are my top 3 tips on how to stay positive and maintain a healthy mind. I hope you enjoyed this and hope it’s blessed you as much as it’s blessed me to write it. I’d love to hear some of the things you do to help you stay positive and maintain a healthy mind. Make sure to drop your responses in the comments section and know that you are so loved.

Mel xx

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