The Greatest Love Story Ever Told

So…sharing my faith is something I know I should be doing every second of every day but to be honest this is an area I definitely fall short in!! Recently I have felt convicted with a great desire to share the gospel with those around me. Which is amazing but, let’s face it, slightly daunting as well. It is a huge responsibility. 

Having a platform like this comes with much responsibility and I truly believe after all is said and done God has given me this blog to reach the lost and broken and encourage His children. My faith is the bedrock of my life and if I’m going to be a follower of Christ I’m going to have to share His Truth…the awesome and life-transforming news about the Saviour of the world.

For those who have never heard about the work of Christ I pray this blesses you and transforms your heart into something new and that, one day, you will place your life in Christ’s perfect hands! For those who are followers, I pray this reminds you and encourages you of the sacrifice Christ made for you and me on the cross and what a Good Amazing Father we have in Heaven.

So, without further ado…let’s begin. Quite simply, the gospel is the greatest love story ever told. It starts with a God who created humanity to be in a relationship with Him in paradise and we did for a while until mankind was deceived by the devil and sinned against God. From that point onwards we were separated from God and subject to God’s mighty wrath but…God wasn’t done with us yet. 

See our God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent which means He knows everything before it’s going to happen and is everywhere at all times. Our sin wasn’t a surprise to Him. He created a beautiful plan to save humanity from His wrath and His name is Jesus. 
Jesus was sent into the world as a propitiation for our sins, this means a substitute for us. Instead of us paying for our sins God gave us His only son Jesus Christ to take our sin upon Himself and die in place of us. So instead of us dying and suffering for what we did, Christ Jesus shed His blood on the cross, suffering in our place. On the third day, He rose again as the biblical prophecy says.
Because of the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus, the price that needed to be paid has been paid by the blood of Christ and God has made a way for us to have eternal salvation but only through Jesus Christ.
So what does this all mean for us? Well, the bible says because of this great sacrifice anyone and everyone who believes in their heart that Jesus is Lord, confess it with their mouth and believes in His death and resurrection and gives their life to him will be saved and have eternal life. Giving your life simply means turning away from a life of sin and living a life that is obedient and honoring to Jesus Christ. 

What does this look like, I hear you ask? It means getting up every day and making a conscious decision to walk with God, pray to God and live for God. That can be reflected in loving everyone especially those who are hardest to love and those who hate you. This is not easy but Jesus promised us the third member of the trinity, The Holy Spirit, he is the one who gives us strength and grace to live and walk the way God has called us to. We will fall repeatedly and make many mistakes but we get up and keep going in the name of Jesus. Life is a constant repeat of repentance and grace but with Jesus, it’s simply wonderful. Our future is secured and God is on our side and no one can take that away from you, ever!

If you want to know more about the Christian faith and have questions please drop questions below or even write to us in our contact us section of the blog and we will definitely respond.

I hope this blesses you as much as it’s blessed us.
Mel x

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